Diet for prostatitis in men

diet for prostatitis

Dietary food is prescribed by a physician when detecting the first signs of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland in men. However, proper nutrition is an adjunct to cope with this disease, with a very pronounced effect, especially combined with an active lifestyle or exercising physical therapy.

A well-balanced diet can significantly improve the functioning of the immune system, prevent the formation of constipation, negatively affect prostate function and reduce the frequency of night urination. . In addition, the diet for the diagnosis of prostatitis in men provides natural blood flow to all internal organs. This increases the supply of all the necessary nutrients, and also prevents further stimulation of the prostate gland as the disease worsens.

When a patient is diagnosed with chronic prostatitis, the correct diet food selection will reduce the number of recurrences of the disease.

A well-balanced diet for prostatitis and BPH will not be bothersome and will not require serious restrictions. The list of allowed dishes and products is quite wide for a diverse menu. Continued use of banned foods can lead to a long course of treatment or even the development of a chronic stage of prostate disease. So, after consulting with your doctor or dietitian, you should abandon prohibited foods altogether and limit discouraged foods as much as possible.

Prohibited products

The list of prohibited foods for chronic prostatitis or its more benign form cannot be called quite broad. Also, keep in mind that many foods cannot be eaten in large quantities. If the patient feels that he wants to eat something wildly forbidden, he needs to take into account his own state of health. So during an acute course of illness, a small portion of your favorite food can be uncomfortable.

In addition to alcoholic beverages, which can irritate the urinary tract and lead to severe pain, the diet for people with chronic prostatitis does not allow the following foods:

  • All beans;
  • Variety of soft drinks;
  • All preserved;
  • All types of semi-finished products and offal;
  • Vegetables such as beets, sorrel, garlic and pepper;
  • Fruit with a high acid content;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Muffins, white bread;
  • Fatty meats;
  • Chocolate;
  • Fried and fatty foods;
  • Various smoking products.

When there is a medical condition, it is necessary to limit coffee consumption or less concentration, and at the same time limit eating salty and spicy dishes. Everything that is banned should be replaced with much healthier foods.

Useful Products

A balanced diet in the diagnosis of prostatitis or prostate adenoma cannot be delicious or varied, even if there are some list of prohibited foods and foods. With this pathology, the male body receives an adequate amount of vitamin B6, which contributes to early absorption of useful trace elements.

Proper nutrition for prostatitis

High levels of this vitamin are found in carrots, bran and sprouted wheat. Also, for a faster and more effective treatment, patients struggling with prostatitis should include the following foods in their diet:

  • Fiber-rich foods, help improve bowel function and prevent constipation. Thanks to that, the process of blood circulation in the small pelvis is improved, which has a positive effect in reducing inflammatory reactions. These products include vegetables, fruits and grains;
  • Zinc-rich foods. It is this useful factor that significantly affects the full functioning of the gland, normalizes an erection, if there are such problems, and reduces the risk of male infertility. To fully absorb zinc, the body needs enough vitamin E that leafy vegetables are rich in. You can saturate your body with zinc by consuming nuts and seafood;
  • Vegetables, fruits, and fruits such as pumpkins, watermelon, and melon, are very valuable in revitalizing male vitality;
  • Light vegetable soup, well absorbed by the patient's body and prevents the development of obesity;
  • Fermented dairy products help cleanse the intestines;
  • Various fruit drinks and preparations. Drinking alcohol is especially important during an exacerbation of prostatitis. During this period, berry drinks will be very helpful.

As you can see from the list of essential foods, they are all very popular and do not require any special preparation during their preparation.

Sample Menu

Knowing the list of allowed and prohibited products, it is important to prepare the menu correctly. During an exacerbation of prostatitis, it is best to grind the finished dish as much as possible and use only warm water.

Breakfast can include the following:

  • Porridge (oats, corn, barley) and non-sour fruit;
  • Omelet with fresh herbs, a small piece of cheese and berries;
  • Fresh fruit and cheese casseroles.

Green or herbal teas, as well as mineral water or freshly squeezed juices are perfect to complement breakfast.

Lunch could include:

  • Lean fish soup (better if cooked in a second broth), as well as eggplant and tomato salad;
  • Borscht, cooked without meat, fresh carrot and cucumber salad, steamed fish;
  • Separated rice porridge with boiled seafood and asparagus;
  • Broccoli puree soup, stewed duck and tomato, cucumber, low-fat cheese and olive oil salad;
  • Cutlets, steamed beef, hard wheat spaghetti.

You can supplement a hearty lunch with dried fruit, rose hip infusions, green tea and freshly pressed juices.

Dinner may include:

  • Boiled seafood and stir-fried vegetables;
  • Stew with carrots and beetroots;
  • Rabbit meat with sour cream, baked in oven with vegetables;
  • Stewed beef with vegetables;
  • Grilled lean fish in the oven.
what you can and should not eat when you have prostatitis

If you feel hungry during the day, you can snack with cheesecakes, muesli bars, smoothies, low-fat cheese or cheeses, natural yogurt, apples and bananas, chocolatebitter. Before you brush your teeth before bed, nutritionists recommend drinking a glass of kefir or low-fat yogurt, and if you want, you can eat a small portion of yogurt.

When on a diet, it is very important not to eat a lot and to suddenly start eating almost everything, as such action could cause a relapse or lead to stomach problems. thick.

In order for urine to drain out of the body in time during an exacerbation of prostate disease, it is necessary to adhere to the daily routine and drink at least 2 liters of water per day (in the absence of a disease, it is necessary to limitwater consumption). Lingonberry and cranberry fruit drink promote the rapid elimination of all bacteria through the urethra.

In order to prevent diseases that threaten men's health, breakfast and a small amount of fruit must be eaten every 2-3 hours. Lunch should have a low-fat soup, and you should not eat fried foods at dinner.

Proper nutrition is an essential part of prostatitis treatment. With the right diet, continuous physical activity, or physical therapy exercises, recovery will be much faster.